Geographic atrophy (GA) is an advanced form of dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD). GA can result in the progressive and irreversible loss of retinal tissue, which can lead to a loss of central vision over time. Activated inflammatory cells and thinning choroid are key components of disease progression.

  • Current FDA-approved treatments for GA slow the growth rate of the lesions (regions of retinal cell degeneration) that lead to central vision loss. The therapies are delivered by intravitreal injection to inhibit the complement proteins associated with an overactive and damaging innate immune system.
  • Delivery of small molecules via suprachoroidal injection may enable comprehensive drug coverage of both the retina and choroid, while also potentially minimizing systemic and anterior segment side effects.

  • Clearside has an experienced team of scientists and researchers evaluating various small molecules through in vivo models for the potential treatment of GA.

Potential Advantages of Suprachoroidal Delivery in Geographic Atrophy

Fluid spreads circumferentially and posteriorly when injected within the suprachoroidal space, bathing the choroid, RPE, retina and adjacent areas with drug
Potential to treat complement activation in both RPE and choroid
  • Systemic therapy may be effective, but potential infection risks in this elderly population
  • Local ocular therapy may have fewer adverse events

Small Molecule Can Access the Diseased Area of the Retinal Pigment Epithelium (RPE) and Choroid

Foundation Fighting Blindness:
Images modified from Hammadi et al JCM 2023, 12 (8), 2870